Chronic Illnesses and Halloween – Switch Witch to the rescue 

Many people do not realize how stressful a fun holiday like Halloween could get for families who deal with chronic illnesses whether it is Lyme disease, allergies or autoimmune diseases. Children with these health issues often revert to what’s the point of trick or treating, therefore what’s the point of dressing up in a costume since they have to refrain from eating the candy. So they refuse to do anything and instead they go to their room and cry thinking about all of the things they miss out on. When they refuse to participate, they don’t just miss out on the candy, they miss out on the whole experience. As a mother of course your heart aches. 

One mother invented the concept of the switch witch. Switch witch comes at night takes all of your candy and replace it with a gift. Thank god! Ever since switch witch came around it has become a little less stressful for us. It gets the children excited to participate in Halloween related activities. It gives them a mission – just slightly different than the healthy children. 
Today we collected candy in our own neighborhood and now the kids are waiting with excitement to see what switch witch brought them. Just another hidden aspect of chronic illnesses. 

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