As a person facing an extremely trying illness (Lyme Disease) I made sure my illness did not define me; instead I let it evolve me. My life took a huge turn, after i have became bedridden and fully dependent.
- I’ve started my own blog to share my struggles, to become example to fellow lymeys, to raise awareness and to educate people not only on the topic of Lyme but on overall health. I must say I consider my blog a successful one considering my posts reach 3000s at a time and believe me when I say that it is not easy to reach even a hundred when you talk about an ugly topic like Lyme. People don’t want negativity. They just want to watch funny videos after a day of struggles of their own.
- I’ve started my own business (IT consulting firm called Hannibal Global LLC.), because working at a full time job was impossible. Now, I am doing what makes me happy (applying all my skills that I did not get to before at a regular job) for a living and making a difference in the community – as much as my illness allows me.
- I’ve started a group (Women Empowering Women) to inspire women to help them reach their potential both personally and professionally. I have been mentoring young people so they make the correct educational choices, they choose the right career, they negotiate their salary so they get a better income based on their skill set, they start their own business with little to no up front investment dollars and so on…the list just goes on. I also help females realize what they have accomplished in life (because accomplishment doesn’t equal a title of a CEO) and courage them to share their story under the name HERstory, so they can too inspire others. I’ve became a true life coach with a goal in mind. Not only females or close circle of friends and family, I have started to coach people thousands of miles away from me. The satisfaction of changing someone’s life is unbelievable. I have the vision to turn this group into a nonprofit in the near future.
- I picked up on many hobbies that change my overall perspective on life. I take pictures, because I want the world to see what I see as a person with a chronic illness. I appreciate life at a different level than those who take their health and life for granted. I’ve started to design jewelry. It might seem small, but it is actually a wonderful form of art. Soon I will be launching a website to display my art bits jewelry and photographs. Be on the look for those.

All in all I’ve became a thought leader and a public figure, who makes a difference in others’ lives. I might be ill and I might suffer tremendous amount of pain, however I am truly happy where I am in life. Even though some days are more trying than others due to all my ongoing projects; I find meaning in life and help others do too.
Ay b im a lymey too I appreciate this… I like this blog thanks for supporting the lymey community like me keep it 100.