Category: Blood Panels

The 8 Stages of Lyme Disease Every Lymey Goes Through

The 8 Stages of Lyme Disease Every Lymey Goes Through

1- Dark Ages: Confusion and Doubt Phase You are confused you know you have  multiple problems and you are going from doctor to doctor. Yet you come back home with generic diagnosis. Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Migraine and with prescriptions that is only trying to address your symptoms not the underlying issue. After […]

The  Truth That Stares Us in The Face in Our Blood Panels

The Truth That Stares Us in The Face in Our Blood Panels

Being a Lymey caused me to gain so much knowledge in the medical field. The constant blood works, the research I do during all my sleepless nights, all the knowledge sharing during the interactions on online forums with other lymeys… The list just goes on. I am at a point […]