Category: Invisible Illness
Invisible Illness, Lyme Disease, Lyme Disease Awareness, Lyme Treatment, Misdiagnosis, Research, Suicide
The Great Imitator and The Consequences of Misdiagnosis
Lyme disease is often referred to as the Great Imitator. Depending on which system the organism invades the visible symptoms can be different from patient to patient. The individual could receive various diagnoses without consideration of an underlying cause for the appropriate treatment options. 72% of participants reported being diagnosed […]
Emotions, Happiness, Invisible Illness, Lyme Disease
From independence…to disability…to new perspective.
I have Lyme disease. I’m not here to raise awareness on how debilitating Lyme disease is, how little funding there is available for research or how doctors lack the necessary training to understand the complexity of what this illness is. I am also not here to share my heartbreaking journey […]
Emotions, Invisible Illness, Lyme Disease, Lyme Disease Awareness, pain
Unzip My Skin
I want to unzip my skin and free my soul. Then, watch the empty pile of meat I leave behind, As I finally breathe for the first time. Light as a feather… That’s not an empty body on the ground, Just a pile of pain and suffering.