Category: challenges

Getting ready for my oral surgery

Getting ready for my oral surgery

Tomorrow is the day. I will be getting 3 implants tomorrow. I’ve waited a long time for this. This a fairly simple, little bit painful surgery. As usual being a lymey, it doesn’t come to us that easy. See Lyme likes to attack my body wherever it is the weakest. […]

When it rains, it pours

When it rains, it pours

I received the second set of test results for Toprak, my 5 year old boy. Unfortunately, the test results show that he also has Bartonella. I was hoping that besides the HHV6, he will not have any other issues. Bartonella is a co-infection of Lyme disease. It is a tick bourne […]

Social outing for a friend’s farewell luncheon

Social outing for a friend’s farewell luncheon

I had the opportunity to see a good friend of mine, Gerry, today. I’ve known Gerry for almost 5 years. He is a trend setter, fun, down to earth person. He has a wonderful wife, who I admire due to her determination in fighting against cancer and adorable children, who […]

Laying in the dark

Laying in the dark

Dear insomnia, Even though I’ve met you back then, I didn’t know you this well. You didn’t take a big role in my life. You would come and visit on and off. I have to be honest I liked you better then. Now, I just resent you for taking over […]